For Inquiries

Our Services

What is Labbayk?

Labbayk is a smartphone App that provides accessibility to any Muslim worldwide to log in and request an Umrah to be carried out on their behalf or on behalf of someone they love. It also permits a volunteer to log in and carry out the Umrah on another Muslim’s behalf.

Our Solution

Our App provides two alternatives:

Free Umrah: This is our voluntary service. A volunteer can perform Umrah on someone else’s behalf after making themselves available to anyone who is looking for someone to volunteer and carry out the Umrah without charging their expenses.

Expense Covered Umrah: This is where the requester covers the Volunteers’ expenses to perform the Umrah on their behalf.

Labbayk is here to support the spiritual and religious path for all users and acts as an intermediary to connect the requester with the volunteer. At Labbayk, we ensure that all expenses are paid to the volunteer only after the Umrah has been performed to conclusion and checked by the algorithm and the admin team. 

We seek the fulfillment of the deed and the protection of integrity over anything else. Our service fees are minimal, ensuring sustainability and the App’s continuity, thus maintaining a successful business model. A largely subsidized fee is required to cover expenses for the journey and spiritual fulfillment of the Umrah, in addition to some small administration fees.

Your Umrah


Why choose us?

  • Labbayk can conveniently be used by anyone who has a smartphone and is a first-of-its-kind solution. 
  • Labbayk is approved by the Al-Azhar institution, and a Fatwa has been obtained to authorize using the App and the service to ensure that it follows Islamic Sharia guidance. 
  • Protecting the integrity of the spiritual deed is the most important aspect of our service, and we ensure this through our algorithms and features implemented in the App, as well as vetting our volunteers. 
  • Labbayk is environmentally sustainable.
  • The App offers individuals a chance to get the spiritual fulfillment of the deed by performing the deed at 10% of the average cost of an actual physical trip. We strive to always enhance the users’ experience as we develop the App.

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